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Cooling SOS Body Gel

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Cooling SOS Body Gel

Recovery Series 03
150 ml

Numero d'ordine:653017
Numero del produttore:302
Peso in kg:0,24
Unità di imballaggio:0

Prezzo Listino19,75 EUR

Sportsbalm Cooling SOS Gel has been developed for quick pain relief. It can be used for acute pain in muscles or joints, fluid retention, bruises and strains. After a strenuous workout, the cooling gel relieves muscle pain and reduces swelling. This will allow your muscles to relax and allow you to recover as quickly as possible. The Cooling SOS Gel is also ideal as a cooling gel for heavy and warm legs and feet that can arise from standing or sitting activity.

Why Cooling SOS Body Gel
  • Apply after exercise
  • Promotes regeneration
  • Cooling
  • Suitable for bruises and fluid accumulation
  • 100% vegan
  • Packaging made from organic plastic